

External filter option, where theuser can filter specific column based on search text.
In HTML, we have to add text box as below.

Ng-model is a directive which binds the value of HTML controls to application data.
Ng-change is the event which is called on text change.

In JS, add filter options

Ng-change event calls below function, here am searching EmployeeName column with search text which is defined by ng-model


Filter on Employee Name

Cell Selection and Cell Inline Edit

Ng-grid has inbuilt cell selection and edit feature. We can enable/disable it for specific columns in column definitions.

Below is the example where theuser can select specific rows and display specific column values of selected rows in a Div.

In HTML, selected EmployeeNames will be displayed as array which is represented by selectedIDs


Selected rows employee names are displayed as array below.

Cell Editing