
Cloud DevOps and Automation




Azure DevOps


The customer is a leading provider of automated hardware and software solution in the healthcare industry for improving patient safety and making medication distribution very efficient.

Business Challenge

The customer’s backend application development was manual and prone to errors.

The software releases were delayed due to human intervention and had an unstable environment, defect fixing, and rollback was a painful task due to collaboration gaps between stakeholders, development, and the operations team. Key challenges include:

  • Less agility and flexibility to change deliverables based on changing dynamics of customer needs
  • The customer had no option to scale up or scale down based on demand in-app deployments
  • This resulted in delays in procurement and dispatching of right drugs, medicines, and re-ordering

WinWire Solution

WinWire created a DevOps solution based on industry best practices for software releases. We analyzed the bottlenecks for release delays and leveraged tools and applications to automate the deployments using Team City & Octopus.

  • Development teams were able to write code in GIT which were continuously integrated and deployed
  • The Azure environment was created with pre-defined parameters ensuring no manual intervention
  • Team worked on multiple applications such as Pharmacy automation, Supply Chain, Medication Benchmarking & Inventory Management
  • Standard branching/merging strategy was followed to ensure hotfixes; service packs are quickly deployed should there be production defects
  • Extensive use of TFS project management in strict agile fashion via Backlog and Kanban boards to have continuous feedback and access to 360-degree reports for product development

Business Value

  • Achieved flexibility to scale up/down environment when needed
  • Ensured the production is free from defects
  • Elevated customer experience
  • Automated release cycle to eradicate human errors thereby increase up-time

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