




Data & AI, Azure Data Lake, Azure Machine Learning


This healthcare organization is one of the global leaders in developing and delivering feed and medicines for both farm animals and companion animals through bold vision and cutting-edge scientific innovation.

Business Challenge

The organization has been the cornerstone of the animal health industry that develops innovative solutions to enhance animal healthcare. The Commercial Function was facing the following challenges:

Key challenges

  • Sales Representatives lacked information and insights necessary to engage effectively with Vets and Farms. This impacted growth, cross / upsell potential, customer churn and inability to recommend the next course to Vets and Farm owners
  • Additionally, lack of insights across personas in the Commercial function – Sales Leaders, Regional Leaders, Marketing stakeholders was affecting the competitiveness of the organization.

The customer has partnered with WinWire to help them with a transformational Customer 360 initiative using Data and AI Services.

WinWire Solution

Based on WinWire’s experience, WinWire proposed a comprehensive Customer 360 solution leveraging its WInsights Solution Accelerator to help the Commercial function with rapid Insights for various personas.

One of the key use cases was focused on providing insights to improve effectiveness and engagement of Sales representatives with Vets and Farm Owners.

  • Identified enterprise source data to address the use case. This included data from SAP, CRM, Customer Master and more.
  • Leveraged WInsights to configure data pipelines to integrated data from Source systems to a Data Lake and a structured Data warehouse for Insights
  • Delivered Prebuilt Insights for Sales Representative engagement – Customer Satisfaction, pending orders, Products in Use, Next Best action, Inventory status etc. Integrated Insights with Mobile apps
  • Segmentation of Vets and Farm owners using ML. Specific offers and campaigns identified by Marketing

Business Value

  • Better understanding and visibility of Vet and Farm needs
  • Significantly higher level of engagement for Sales representatives
  • Increased CSAT scores and referrals
  • Proactive recommendations based on Therapeutic need projections

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