
Regulatory Information Management & SafetyDocs


Healthcare & Life Sciences


Veeva Vault


The customer is a research-based biopharmaceutical company focused on the discovery, development, and commercialization of medicines.

Business Challenge

Vendor support for RIMS and SafetyDocs: The client needed external expertise to effectively maintain their Regulatory Information Management System (RIMS) and SafetyDocs. Achieving key data objectives required specialized skills beyond their in-house capabilities.

Affordable and easy to operate: The existing administration, primarily based in the United States, was costly and lacked scalability. This hindered the client’s ability to expand operations efficiently.

Operational overload and strategic priorities: The client’s focus on day-to-day activities was distracted from their strategic priorities. The operational burden compromised their tactical plans, making it difficult to drive innovation and long-term growth.

WinWire Solution

WinWire helped the life sciences company accomplish its objectives through a Regulatory Information Management System (RIMS) and SafetyDocs that provided perspective on operational challenges.

Key aspects of the solution included

Scalable and Cost-Effective Resource Model:

  • Implemented a flexible resourcing model that could scale operations as needed. This model allowed for better resource allocation, enabling the client to manage costs while expanding capacity.

Centralized, Global Support for Business Functions:

  • Established a centralized support system providing global coverage of business services. Ensured consistent and reliable support across all locations, enhancing operational efficiency and effectiveness.

Optimization to Address Growing and Complex Business Priorities:

  • Demonstrated the ability to scale operations in response to the client’s evolving needs. Reduced the burden of operational tasks, allowing the client to focus on strategic priorities and drive innovation and long-term growth.

Business Value

  • Optimized Resourcing Model: Achieved a cost-efficient onsite-offshore ratio, optimizing resource allocation.
  • Global Support with Minimal Downtime: Provided consistent global support, minimizing operational downtime.
  • Maximized Revenue and Minimized Compliance & Operational Costs: Enhanced productivity and operational excellence, resulting in higher revenue and reduced costs.

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