Chips, Wafers, and Namkeens

Ready-to-eat and variety of market options like potato chips, tortilla chips, banana chips, and nachos have gained huge popularity over the time. Manufacturers strive hard to offer different flavours for different taste buds. But at the same time, they must ensure consistent quality and shelf life keeping the characteristics of each ingredient in mind.

Effects of Uncontrolled Humidity

The quality of the chips is measured with its crispness. To ensure this, the environment where chips are produced plays an important role. Chips and wafers exhibit an affinity for water when exposed to high humid conditions. They absorb moisture during processing and packaging from the surrounding environment, which makes them soggy and unappetizing.

Potato chips are peeled, sliced, and then deep frozen in cooling tunnels. In the cooling tunnel, the moisture can take the shape of frost which subsequently, affect the deep frying process. Thus, excess moisture can result in poor consumer acceptance, more wastage, and increased production costs.

Some common problems that the chips and wafers manufacturers and traders face are:

  • Change in appearance
  • Change in flavour and aroma
  • Uneven cooking
  • Sticking
  • Increase microbial growth
  • Reduction in shelf life

Bry-Air Solution

Bry-Air Desiccant Dehumidifiers are used by leading wafers and snacks manufacturers to remove moisture from the processing, storage, and packaging areas so that the snacks retain their original crispness, taste, and appetising look. They also help in increasing the rate of production.

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