Soft Gelatine Capsule

In soft gelatin manufacturing, warm liquid gelatin is spread over a slowly revolving, stainless steel drum. A supply of chilled dry air congeals the gelatin as the drum rotates so that a tacky, elastic band rolls off the other end. This thin band is automatically formed into capsules, filled with medicine. If the temperature and humidity are too high, gelatin will start softening and prevent solidification. From the capsulating machines, the soft, moist capsules are transferred to drying drums or chambers for rapid drying. The moisture has to be removed gradually to prevent superficial surface hardening. Drying at elevated temperature will impair dried product quality.

Processing of Soft Gel Capsules (RH / Temp Required – 15 + 5% at 20°C)

A typical flow diagram of Soft Gel Capsules

Encapsulation –> Drying –> Packing (Blister/Strip/Alu-Alu)

In case of encapsulation and packing, the required level of humidity is 30+5% at 20°C. The Drying of Soft Gel Capsule is very tricky as it has to be fried in a very controlled condition like RH / Temp, along with specific air changes and time for drying. The moment any of the conditions deteriorate, the capsule may get brittle, extra soft, etc.

% RH
Soft Gelatine Capsule Drying257720-25

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